Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 Steps to Halloween Success Step 1: Halloween Theme and Party Ideas

To throw a successful Halloween Party, one needs the following ingredients:
- a wild imagination
- the desire to have fun
- an even bigger desire to impress one’s guests
- a bit of a macabre side

Not everyone can throw a successful Halloween Party. It takes skill, creativity and an unfaltering need to go WAY overboard! If you’re one of the few, or have decided this year to take the plunge, you’re in good company! There are plenty of great resources to help you, including one of my faves,, and our 5-part series entitled 5 Steps to Halloween Success starts now! And you thought summer was a vacation!

There are five essential points you need to address to host a Halloween Party for the History books. Here they are all at once, although we will break them down individually, so just take it one step at a time.

Choose a Theme
Themes are never more important than on Halloween. Themes can include things like a murder mystery evening, Vamps and Vixens or a family friendly Jungle Animals evening. Your theme will determine how much gore is involved in your party, the music you play, even the food you prepare and serve. No wonder we put it at the top of the list!
Your theme will be individual to your party intentions and your guests, but here are a few Halloween Party Theme Ideas to get you started:

Murder Mystery
Of course it’s at the top of our list! Murder mystery games are easy, quick and perfect for every occasion – especially Halloween! Your guests take on roles of suspects in a murder, and everyone, including guests who aren’t suspects, gather clues to figure out the identity of the killer. These games also come in the kid-friendly variety with no murder. Visit to pick the perfect game for your Halloween Party!
Haunted House
Your house is done up as a haunted house complete with ghosts, spider webs and things popping out from dark corners. Your guests come dressed as spirits from beyond.
A zombie-themed party is a great way to give your guests an idea of what to expect while leaving the door open for them to express their creativity. Guests can make the zombie theme their own by arriving as zombie prom dates, zombie bride and/or groom, zombie angels – pretty much any costume one can imagine can have “zombie” put in front of it to fit into the theme of the party.
Vamps and Vixens
Not for the kiddies, this is one of our favourite types of Halloween themes, just because everyone really seems to embrace the challenge. It’s like a spooky version of the traditional Tarts and Vicars parties, which were so popular a decade ago. Really want to spice this theme up? Make it a gender reversal and have the women dress as the vampires and the men as the vixens!
We love this idea for the same reasons we love the zombie theme – the guests have the opportunity to dazzle you with their creativity. You do up your house with all things magic, and then tell your guests to come as something relating to magic. The person who suggested this theme said they had wizards, illusionists, dark cultists, witches, professors from Hogwarts, fantasy characters, enchanted creatures, faeries and spirits. Wow, what a turn out!

Literary or Theatre Characters
This is a fun one for sure! Everyone comes as a literary or theatre character, depending on which theme you choose. You could have Roxy from Chicago chatting with the Phantom of the Opera!
Horror Movie Characters
To add that bit more gore, have all of your guests dress up as a bad guy from a horror movie. You’re sure to have Michael, the Scream face and at least one or two mutants. Go the extra mile and make each room of your house an homage to a different horror movie by replicating a scene.

60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s Theme
Pick a decade and have your guests dress up as something or someone from that era. Your decorations and music are pretty easy after that – line your walls with pin ups from the era and music everyone can groan over.

Once you’ve determined your theme, some of the details will fall right into place. The next step is, of course, getting the word out about your party, which we will discuss in the next Host On The Run issue, so stay tuned!

Leigh Clements, the Shot In The Dark Mysteries / Your Date With Death Mystery Maiden, writes murder mysteries, non-murder mysteries and custom mysteries for Shot In The Dark Mysteries, and coordinates, hosts and facilitates local events both for Shot In The Dark Mysteries and Your Date With Death Murder Mystery Speed Dating. She can be contacted at or Aside from plotting murder, she enjoys yoga, reading and hanging with her golden lab.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Zen and the Art of Crafting a Fabulous Guest List

Shot In The Dark Mystery Games' Mystery Maiden shares secrets to crafting the perfect guest list for your murder mystery game party.

One of the factors that can make or break a party is the guest list. Certain guests thrive in certain situations while shying away from others. When I put on a murder mystery game party, I invite different people than I would for my grandfather's 89th birthday party. This is a simple comparison, but sometimes the lines between pleasing everyone and throwing a crowd-pleasing party blur.

Practicing the art of crafting a perfect guest list does not mean turning your back on your friends. Once you've determined the theme of your party you will better know what you are trying to accomplish. When throwing a dinner party, my guest list is extremely different than the list I craft to throw a murder mystery game party. Many of the guests who attend my murder mystery game parties are outgoing and vivacious, whereas those who thrive in a dinner party setting are usually a bit more formal.

Before you begin scratching names from your guest list, remember this: your base cast need only be suited for the party. Let's talk a bit about casting. Recently, I threw a surprise murder mystery game party for my aunt's 60th birthday. Because the venue was a pool hall, I needed to cast people who would be able to deliver share clues over the noise, and were bold enough to wander around and share secrets with everyone.

Some people stand right out as those you can cast as characters. You know right away that if you give them a clue, they will act it up, ham it up, shout it out and make it fun. Others... well, perhaps you're not so sure. My cousin is a great example of this. I have known him all my life and cast him as the murderer at the Pool Hall Pummeling event. He is a bit subdued, but I just knew he could take the part and run with it. Boy, was I right. By round two he was shouting accusations, adding his own little one-liners to clues and delivering share information without skipping a beat!

Just because someone might not be perfect for a character, though, doesn't mean they can't come, and it certainly doesn't mean they can't play. These people just need a different role.

So how do you craft the perfect guest list? Why, it's as simple as 1, 2, 3...4.

1. If you haven't yet created a tentative guest list, start there. Write down everyone that comes to your mind without thinking whether they would be good characters or not. You are brainstorming here, so don't pre-judge, just let your pencil (or your fingers on the keyboard) fly.

2. A few people will stand out in your mind right away as those who would make excellent characters. Put a star next to their names or highlight them yellow. You will know how many characters you can assign by checking that game on the Shot In The Dark Mysteries Website or by referring to the second page of the materials you downloaded when you purchased the game. In this example, I will use Murder On The Mound, which requires 11-12 characters.

Thomas Hardy
James Brown *
Betty Boop *
Florence Hendersen*
Tony Tiger
Mary Contrary
Elton John *
Chris Angel *
Rene Levesque
Harrison Ford
Michelle Miles *
Billie Jean
Barney Rubble
Mi Prima Ballerina *
Gnarls Barkley *
Stevie Nicks
Rose Tyler *
Ewan Mcgregor *
Acheron Hades *
Weird Al Yanovick*
Belinda Stronach
Warrick Brown
Frank Pembleton
Alfred Hitchcock

3. Determine who, although not playing a character, would make a good supplementary player - for example, someone to deliver clues, read the chapter introductions, share the mystery solution etc. (For more ideas on this topic, read the article "Tips for drawing in extra guests...) Mark these people with a different symbol or highlighter colour. These people will shy away a bit from the limelight, but will enjoy being involved. Now my list looks like this:

Thomas Hardy ~
James Brown *
Betty Boop *
Florence Hendersen*
Tony Tiger
Mary Contrary ~
Elton John *
Chris Angel *
Rene Leveque
Harrison Ford
Michelle Miles *
Billie Jean
Barney Rubble
Mi Prima Ballerina *
Gnarls Barkley *
Stevie Nicks
Rose Tyler *
Ewan Mcgregor *
Acheron Hades *
Weird Al Yanovick*
Belinda Stronach
Warrick Brown ~
Frank Pembleton
Alfred Hitchcock ~

4. Who is left? Obviously the rest of the people on my list are going to at least enjoy watching the murder mystery game unfold and casting an accusation at the end, or they wouldn't be on my list in the first place. These people play an important role, even though any great murder mystery game can occur without them. They are the impartial witnesses who will be able to give excellent insight when it's time to make accusations. We call these people "witnesses" or "detectives", "CSI's" or any additional role that fits in with the plot. In Murder On The Mound - a baseball-themed murder mystery game, these precious others can be cast as fans in the stands. In the Wizard of Oz Murder Mystery, you can designate the others as Munchkins! Regardless, these people will not be relied upon for the game to work, but will still enjoy the theatrics!

Your guest list can make or break your party, but following these simple steps will ensure your party will be a hit, and your zen-like state will remain.

Leigh Clements, the Shot In The Dark Mysteries / Your Date With Death Mystery Maiden, writes murder mysteries, non-murder mysteries and custom mysteries for Shot In The Dark Mysteries, and coordinates, hosts and facilitates local events both for Shot In The Dark Mysteries and Your Date With Death Murder Mystery Speed Dating. She can be contacted at or Aside from plotting murder, she enjoys yoga, reading and hanging with her golden lab.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

4 Elements Of A Fabulous Party

I am often asked what makes a great party great and a horrible party - well, a "Hindenberg". People tend to ask me this with the expectation of one simple, yet brilliant answer that will guarantee party success.

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as cutting the crusts off your little sandwiches to ensure everyone has fun and stays, but there are 4 very distinct elements each great party - elements the bombs have lacked.

While defining these oh-so-important elements of a fabulous party, I focused on two events I recently facilitated. Both took place in similar venues, and both included a custom murder mystery game. One was a raging success and the other was a downright "Hindenberg". The following four elements stood out as the defining factors between the successful party and the bomb. Take these suggestions into consideration and you'll be sure to host a party your guests will enjoy - and won't want to leave!

1. Limit the "No-Fun" to "Fun" Guest Ratio
Of course, no one wants Joe-I-Hate-Fun at their party, but sometimes it's unavoidable. One Joe-I-Hate-Fun is one thing, but if Joe brings Dennis-Doom-And-Gloom, things can turn gray. And no, two negatives don't make a positive! Chances are, at your party two negatives will make five negatives.

When we bring a group together, everyone shares the energy in the room. With enough Joes and Dennises, even the most positive, fun, upbeat person would have trouble having a good time.

Successful Party: At the successful party, out of 17 people there was one Joe-I-Hate-Fun who sat in the corner with his arms crossed and his chin so low it looked like he was wearing a turtleneck. The other 16 were fun, upbeat people who wanted to have fun and were excited to try something new.

"Hindenberg" Party: At the "Hindenberg" party, out of 28 people at least ¾ of the guests were clearly just making an appearance. A better positive to negative ratio would have ensured most people would have had a good time, as at least 1/2 of those ¾ could have been turned around had the atmosphere been more positive.

2. Chose the Correct Theme
A theme can make or break a party - whether you think your party has a theme or not, it does. A theme can be determined simply by what the guests wear - think of a formal dinner party vs. a kegger. Although there will most likely be drinking at both, chances are you will not find someone passed out in your deep freeze at your dinner party. That may seem like an extreme example, but imagine inviting your friends from bowling to a black and white cocktail party, or friends you met at a cocktail party at a backyard pig roast.

Make your theme appropriate for all of your guests, and more will enjoy themselves.

Successful Party: A bunch of fun-loving Occupational Health employees from all over the world breaking out of a conference for an entertaining evening. The custom murder mystery game went down like a barn on fire! They loved it!

"Hindenberg" Party: A group of interior designers gathered for a formal Christmas party, who were surprised with a custom murder mystery party. Getting them up from their seats in their tuxes and high heels was like pulling teeth with this high-brow group, who were only there for the free food and the open bar.

3. Chill Out, Dude and be a relaxed host!
Nothing sets the tone of a party more than its host or hosts. Holding a gathering can be stressful, but if your guests feel your stress when they arrive, rest assured they will become uneasy. Two uneasy people quickly turn into four, then six and the next thing you know you have a venue full of anxious people! Regardless of how you feel before your guests arrive, take five minutes to relax and banish any stressful or uneasy feelings.

Fabulous Party: The hostess was excited and ready to have fun. She dressed up and got fully-immersed in the mystery - and was completely stress-free. Everyone else looked to her and followed suit.

"Hindenberg" Party: The hostess put the party on for her employees, not herself. She planned to be an observer at the party, and left half of her mind back in her office, where all hell was breaking loose. She could not relax, and her employees couldn't wait to slip out the door.

4. Create A Great Ambiance!
Ambiance is so important when you host any sort of gathering. To illustrate, humor me for a moment and picture a large, cool room with all-white furniture. Now picture a country cottage with deep wood and a fire burning in the fireplace. Which place would you rather visit for a party? Most of us would say the country cottage - it's cozier, more inviting and far more welcoming. Chances are you won't be entertaining in a warm country cabin, but you still have control over the ambiance where you entertain; the music, scents and lighting all contribute to the ambiance. Create the correct ambiance and your guests will be more comfortable, stay longer, relax and have a great time!

Fabulous Party: The successful party was held in a smaller room at a classy private club. The room was decorated with Christmas lights (t'was the season) and a Christmas Tree in the corner, soft linens and comfortable chairs. Elevator music played softly in the background - unnoticeable until you listened for it, but so important.

"Hindenberg" Party: This party took place in a large, cold-feeling, utterly silent room with hard chairs and pretentious carpet. No wonder the guests were as stiff as their napkins!

Leigh Clements, the Shot In The Dark Mysteries / Your Date With Death Mystery Maiden, writes murder mysteries, non-murder mysteries and custom mysteries for Shot In The Dark Mysteries, and coordinates, hosts and facilitates local events both for Shot In The Dark Mysteries and Your Date With Death Murder Mystery Speed Dating. She can be contacted at or Aside from plotting murder, she enjoys yoga, reading and hanging with her golden lab.